"Purple Stew" Visual Menu



  • 4 version of the purple stew menu

  • Song Lyrics

Population: A variety of ages, populations, and diagnoses.

Goal: To improve sequencing, choice making, and communication skills.

Description: The visual is designed to be used as an aide for the Go Noodle song "Purple Stew." Four versions of the purple stew menu and song lyrics are included. The menus can be used to facilitate choice making and sequencing of items that go into the stew during the song.

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  • 4 version of the purple stew menu

  • Song Lyrics

Population: A variety of ages, populations, and diagnoses.

Goal: To improve sequencing, choice making, and communication skills.

Description: The visual is designed to be used as an aide for the Go Noodle song "Purple Stew." Four versions of the purple stew menu and song lyrics are included. The menus can be used to facilitate choice making and sequencing of items that go into the stew during the song.


  • 4 version of the purple stew menu

  • Song Lyrics

Population: A variety of ages, populations, and diagnoses.

Goal: To improve sequencing, choice making, and communication skills.

Description: The visual is designed to be used as an aide for the Go Noodle song "Purple Stew." Four versions of the purple stew menu and song lyrics are included. The menus can be used to facilitate choice making and sequencing of items that go into the stew during the song.

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