Gratitude: Interventions and Strategies - Packet of 5



  • 5 interventions adapted for people of all ages and diagnoses with materials including:

    • 2 original songs

    • 1 original chant

    • Visuals for yoga poses and “Grateful Tree” activity

    • Modeled script for mindfulness prompts

    • Worksheet for “Songwriting Scramble”

    • Chords and lyrics for original songs

    • Chord chart for “Thank You” intervention

Goals: Each intervention targets different goals, including: increasing self-expression, improving group cohesion, enhancing self-regulation, practicing grounding, and identifying strengths in self and others

Description: The packet includes 5 interventions to address gratitude in different ways: Blessings Songwriting, Thank You, You Are Unique, Grateful Tree, and Gratitude Songwriting. The appropriate chords, lyrics, and accompanying visuals are included after each intervention. Additionally, each intervention includes a list of goals, materials (if applicable), directions, and other adaptations or suggestions. All interventions can be used for individuals or groups during in-person or virtual sessions and adapted to meet specific needs.

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  • 5 interventions adapted for people of all ages and diagnoses with materials including:

    • 2 original songs

    • 1 original chant

    • Visuals for yoga poses and “Grateful Tree” activity

    • Modeled script for mindfulness prompts

    • Worksheet for “Songwriting Scramble”

    • Chords and lyrics for original songs

    • Chord chart for “Thank You” intervention

Goals: Each intervention targets different goals, including: increasing self-expression, improving group cohesion, enhancing self-regulation, practicing grounding, and identifying strengths in self and others

Description: The packet includes 5 interventions to address gratitude in different ways: Blessings Songwriting, Thank You, You Are Unique, Grateful Tree, and Gratitude Songwriting. The appropriate chords, lyrics, and accompanying visuals are included after each intervention. Additionally, each intervention includes a list of goals, materials (if applicable), directions, and other adaptations or suggestions. All interventions can be used for individuals or groups during in-person or virtual sessions and adapted to meet specific needs.


  • 5 interventions adapted for people of all ages and diagnoses with materials including:

    • 2 original songs

    • 1 original chant

    • Visuals for yoga poses and “Grateful Tree” activity

    • Modeled script for mindfulness prompts

    • Worksheet for “Songwriting Scramble”

    • Chords and lyrics for original songs

    • Chord chart for “Thank You” intervention

Goals: Each intervention targets different goals, including: increasing self-expression, improving group cohesion, enhancing self-regulation, practicing grounding, and identifying strengths in self and others

Description: The packet includes 5 interventions to address gratitude in different ways: Blessings Songwriting, Thank You, You Are Unique, Grateful Tree, and Gratitude Songwriting. The appropriate chords, lyrics, and accompanying visuals are included after each intervention. Additionally, each intervention includes a list of goals, materials (if applicable), directions, and other adaptations or suggestions. All interventions can be used for individuals or groups during in-person or virtual sessions and adapted to meet specific needs.

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